Sorrow and joy

Let us pray (in silence) [that we live the Christ-life with joy]


Almighty God,
for the joy that was set before him
your Son endured the cross,
and by his resurrection turned our sorrow into joy;
help us to rejoice in his power
that we may walk in his way with glad obedience:

through our Saviour Jesus Christ
who is alive with with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.

NZPB p. 629c

Joy and rejoicing is the warp of this collect. I cannot find ancient collect sources for this collect, and am hence surprised that once again no complementary images are presented to "Almighty God" and "Son". The basic metaphor is clearly drawn from Hebrews 12:2 - even there images of "pioneer" and "perfecter" add helpful nuances.

The petition challenges us to move beyond a cerebral affirmation which makes no impact on our lives - and therefore has no cost either - to living the Christ-life. Too often Christians appear to have faith in a theory of atonement, rather than in Christ. Too often Christians appear more concerned with affirming the correct version of, for most, incomprehensible and indistinguishable doctrinal minutae rather than living the Christ-life - the God-life lived in Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith - and now living in us.

May we walk in Christ's life with glad obedience.

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